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Privacy Policy Notice

The policy: This privacy policy notice is for this website; [] and served by Firebrand Theatre, Chesters House, Ancrum and governs the privacy of those who use it. The purpose of this policy is to explain to you how we control, process, handle and protect your personal information while browsing or using this website, including your rights under current laws and regulations. If you do not agree to the following policy you may wish to cease viewing / using this website.

Policy key definitions:

  • "I", "our", "us", or "we" refer to the business, [Business name & other trading names].

  • "you", "the user" refer to the person(s) using this website.

  • GDPR means General Data Protection Act.

  • PECR means Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulation.

  • ICO means Information Commissioner's Office.

  • Cookies mean small files stored on a users computer or device.

Internet cookies

We use cookies on this website to provide you with a better user experience. We do this by placing a small text file on your device / computer hard drive to track how you use the website, to record or log whether you have seen particular messages that we display, to keep you logged into the website where applicable, to display relevant adverts or content, referred you to a third party website.

Some cookies are required to enjoy and use the full functionality of this website.

We use a cookie control system which allows you to accept the use of cookies, and control which cookies are saved to your device / computer. Some cookies will be saved for specific time periods, where others may last indefinitely. Your web browser should provide you with the controls to manage and delete cookies from your device, please see your web browser options.


Data security and protection

We ensure the security of any personal information we hold by using secure data storage technologies and precise procedures in how we store, access and manage that information. Our methods meet the GDPR compliance requirement.

Resources & further information

Privacy Notice Policy Base: v.4.0 May 2018 - Made available without liability by Jamie King, Website management services.

[End of Privacy Policy Notice Template]


Equalities Diversity and Inclusion

Firebrand Theatre Company is committed to considering and promoting equality and diversity through activities undertaken by the company.
We demonstrate this by presenting an artistic programme that reflects a wide a range of styles in order to attract as broad an audience as possible; by providing inclusive participation projects for our community and by ensuring that decision making about our workforce is based on skills, abilities, potential and experience.
Our commitment to access and inclusion is supported by the facilities within our partnership venue buildings (where applicable) and staff who are trained to deliver the best possible experience for all visitors.
We believe that the diversity of our team, programme, practice, artists and audiences is fundamental to our success. We do not tolerate discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, disability, sexuality, age, faith, educational background or any other difference between individuals. Instead we welcome and celebrate difference, seeking to find the most creative and fulfilling role for every individual’s talents and aptitudes.
In the provision of services to audiences and in regards to employees, Firebrand is committed to promoting equal opportunities for everyone. Since launching in 2010 we have made a number of positive moves towards raising the importance of equality and diversity.
These include:Programming work that demonstrates our commitment to diversity to audiences. Ensuring that the playwrights we choose to perform and that the creative team, cast and crew we employ are at least 50% those who identify as female. Providing opportunities for people with disabilities to access performances through integrated BSL, Audio Described and Theatre Bus initiatives. Ensuring where possible that our employees represent the community in which we live through our recruitment processes. Ensuring our company base is welcoming and accessible to all visitors. To continue to collaborate with the venues we tour to to ensure best practice is shared
Overall Objectives: To integrate equality and diversity into our policies, procedures and the ethos and culture of the organisation. To ensure that our programme of work reflects our vision of equality and diversity. To develop new audiences for all our work and increase participation by minority or excluded groups in the life of the company. To increase workforce representation through work placements and any other appropriate methods. To improve the collection of data about our audiences and participants.

Firebrand is committed to creating, programming and supporting the development of work that does not discriminate on grounds of race, ethnicity, faith, disability, gender, age, sexuality, class or economic disadvantage.
Our commitment is manifested in a variety of ways throughout the artistic programme: The programming and creation of work that addresses, includes, explores and expresses the experiences and narratives of audiences of all backgrounds. Equal opportunities in casting and the assembly of creative teams. Provision of BSL interpreted, captioned audio-described performances and Touch tours. Utilising relationships with key groups and organisations, we are committed to widening access for disabled audiences.
A key aim for the Firebrand team is to ensure that all visitors receive a consistently high standard of ‘welcome’ to their productions in all the venues we both make and tour our work to. We check that each venue is accessible for those with physical impairments and that all members of the company provide an excellent customer/audience focused service.
Another priority is making users more aware of our commitment to equality and diversity by promoting services that may benefit them, like the access performances. Our future aims are to promote these services more widely, grow the audience that uses them and have these services available for more of our future productions and also to aim to achieve initiatives such as the ICWP 50/50 Applause Award (International Centre of Women Playwrights).
Date: 4th September 2018
Ellie Zeegen, Janet Coulson, Susan Taylor
Company Directors: Firebrand Theatre Company Ltd Company Number: 07674186


Harrassment Policy


We believe that all theatres and rehearsal spaces should be free from harassment of any kind, sexual or otherwise. It is Firebrand’s policy to treat such matters very seriously, and in the light of recent news stories regarding sexual harassment and the abuse of power, we have taken the opportunity to remind our freelance creatives and cast members how to report any unwanted behaviours that might occur during productions.


This policy aims to enable cast and crew to challenge any unwanted behaviour in the workplace, and to outline how we will deal with any complaints of harassment that we receive. It also makes clear the standards of behaviour we expect from all who work for Firebrand. We do not tolerate harassment of any kind at Firebrand, and we will always investigate and take appropriate action.


If anyone at Firebrand has anything to bring to our attention during the time they are working on a production with us they can contact either Janet Coulson [email protected] or Ellie Zeegen [email protected].  Additionally incident report forms are available on request from either Creative Director and will be logged and treated with the utmost confidentiality.


  1. You are entitled to work in an environment that is free from all forms of harassment.

  2. If something makes you uncomfortable, you have the right to ask for it to stop.

  3. If others appear to feel differently that does not mean that you are in the wrong. It is what makes you feel uncomfortable that matters.

  4. You should not be made to feel uncomfortable for asking people to treat you in a respectful manner. If you raise something, it is reasonable to expect colleagues to seek to amend their behaviour.

  5. We want you to feel empowered to deal with less serious matters in your own way, but we realise that this is not always easy. You have the right to expect the assistance of Firebrand’s Creative Directors in dealing with serious issues, or with less serious issues that can’t be resolved.

  6. We will always deal with any complaint from the starting point that the person complaining is telling the truth.

  7. You will not be criticised for raising matters which others may feel are trivial. What you do or don’t find acceptable is a matter for you, not for others.

  8. You have the right to raise things in confidence or anonymously.

  9. Where acts of sexual, racial or other kinds of harassment are serious, persistent or repeated despite them being “called out”, Firebrand will take action, including the use of the disciplinary procedure at all levels, including dismissal where merited. Every complaint brought formally to the management’s attention will be properly investigated. This will be the case even if the matter happened in the past.

  10. It is always your right to make a complaint when you have been made to feel uncomfortable, and it is Firebrand’s duty to provide a workplace free from harassment. You will never be treated unfairly for making a genuine informal or formal harassment complaint, even if it doesn’t result in formal action against the other person.


Date: 17th December 2018.  Ellie Zeegen, Company Director: Firebrand Theatre Company Ltd


Date: 17th December 2018.  Ellie Zeegen, Company Director: Firebrand Theatre Company Ltd

Company Number: 07674186


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Firebrand Theatre Company, Chesters House, Ancrum, Scottish Borders TD8 6UL

Tel: 07771734670 

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